Faith, Theology, Meaning, God, and Our World

Leading and learning through a search for spiritual and theological meaning in the 21st century

Founding Thoughts:

The state of belief in a 21st-century world

  • Pastoring in post-church and post-belief contexts.

  • Doing ministry in a world searching for meaning amid digitality, virtuality, and misinformation.

  • Preaching, teaching, and leading in a diverse plurality of narratives and nomads.

Founding Team:

Theologians, Authors, Pastors

Dr. Maria Francesca French

Dr. Barry Taylor

Collaboration is at the heart of H&Co. Maria French and Barry Taylor have been working on projects together for a number of years and now they have come together to bring the best insights, education, and innovative practices to H&Co.'s learning platform. One American, one Brit, combining their mutual love of all things theological, cultural, and innovative to help you address the complex scenarios and fast-paced changes that characterize our times. They both have academic and ecclesial backgrounds, having taught at various theological institutions as well as traveling and speaking around the world on wide range of topics from theology to the post-human and everything in between.

French and Taylor continue to ask bold, new questions of faith, what it means to believe, and how we might create new communities of all kinds that are deeply theological, culturally aware, and fully embracing of the human condition. They teach, preach, write, and lecture together, and now this duo brings you H&Co.